Invisible Friends NFT:

Invisible Friends NFT : A Unique Collection of 5,000 Animated Characters

The Invisible Friends NFT is a collection of 5,000 cartoon-style animated invisible characters that was created by Swedish animator Markus Magnusson. There are a total of five lakh loyal fans on Twitter and around 2500 NFD holders, and it is also partnered with a top brand because of this project.

It is a random character collection. Because of this feature, it is more expensive, and the price range is from 9 to 10 Ethereum. Currently, it is traded under 2.5 ETH, and anyone can buy it on trusted NFT marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible.

Invisible Friends NFT Collections
Credits – Invisible friends

In this article, we will explore each and every aspect of invisible friend NFT and also get to know more about how and where to buy invisible friend NFT. Is it a good investment? What makes an invisible friend unique? and many more.

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What is Invisible Friends NFT?

The Invisible Friend NFT project is a collection of 5,000 unique cartoon-style animations of invisible characters created by Swedish animator Markus Magnusson. This project was heavily promoted on Twitter and other social media, and because of this promotion, this project has a loyal fan following of 5 lahks on Twitter and approximately 2500 NFT holders. All 5000 unique NFTs were sold out on February 23, 2022, at the price of 0.25 ETH during the bull market.

Invisible friends nft overview

The invisible characters in the Invisible Friends NFT collection have characters that wear normal and stylish clothes, not fancy skintight invisible suits. This makes each NFT unique, as each trait corresponds to a specific article of clothing. Invisible Friends NFT is partnering with apparel brand Kith for this collaboration.

How to Buy Invisible Friends NFTs?

You can purchase invisible friend NFT from marketplaces such as Rarible and OpenSea. There is one NFT platform, Rally, that allows its users to buy NFT and other collectibles for a fraction. Really has a marketplace where you can buy or sell shares of any collectible you like. This means that you can get money whenever you want by selling shares.

Many users use platforms like Public to trade NFT and other collectibles like vintage video games, wine, luxury watches, and other things. The public is an NFT marketplace that allows users to trade NFTs, cryptocurrencies, stocks, and ETFs. 

Are Invisible Friends a Good Investment?

The invisible friend is a popular NFT collection that initially had a high floor price of 9 to 10 ETH. After the massive fall in the cryptocurrency and NFT markets, it is now priced at around 3 ETH. This project is considered stable because most of the owners of invisible friend NFTs do not have more than one NFT.

And there is no big shareholder with significant stakes. The creators of Invisible Friends are a random character collective with a good reputation in the NFT community. Investors may also be interested in knowing that Moodroller holders get access to the Invisible Friends whitelist, which helps them increase the value of other random character collective projects.

If you compare Invisible Friend with other NFT projects with similar popularity, you will see that Invisible Friend has performed well as an asset. Overall, it is a project that fans and investors will likely continue to follow in the future.

How Much do Invisible Friends NFTs Cost?  

It is too late to buy Invisible Friend NFT because the initial release has sold out. If you still want to buy them, you can buy them on the secondary market, like on OpenSea or Rarible. But they are not cheap; as of now, the price starts at almost 2.5 ETH (over $4000). If you want to become the owner of an invisible friend, keep in mind that these NFTs may be used as a Discord profile picture or Twitter avatar.

Where To Buy The Invisible Friends NFT?

Anyone can easily buy the Invisible Friends NFT from NFT marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible.

Buy Invisible Friends on OpenSea

Buy Invisible Friends on LooksRare

What Makes Invisible Friends Unique?

The collection of 5000 unique invisible animated characters has different clothes, accessories, and backgrounds. Some of the invisible friends NFT are more common, while others are there, which makes them more expensive. The collection is popular among NFT and digital collectibles investors, with prices ranging from around 3 ETH for common features to 50 ETH for rare features.

Invisible Friends Official Links

Invisible Friends website:

Invisible Friends Twitter:

Invisible Friends Discord:

Invisible Friends Instagram:


Invisible Friends NFT is a popular collection of 5,000 unique animated cartoon-style invisible characters created by Swedish animator Markus Magnusson. This project has a total of 5 lakh loyal fans and approximately 2500 NFT holders. The characters in the collection wear different clothes and accessories, which make each NFT unique.

This project is considered stable because there are no big shareholders with significant stakes. Currently, the market price of invisible friend NFT is around 2.5 ETH, or $4000. Those interested in purchasing these NFTs should visit a secondary market site such as OpenSea or Rarible.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What blockchain are Invisible Friends on?

The Invisible Friends NFT is an NFT collection that works on an Ethereum blockchain.

What is the most expensive invisible friend?

The golden friend is NFT from the Invisible Friends NFT collection, which is sold for around 496 ETH, which is around 1.3 million US dollars.

Why is Invisible Friends so popular?

Invisible Friends NFT is a collection of 5,000 unique animated NFT, which comes under the category of random characters. This NFT is popular just because of its uniqueness, lack of big stakeholders, and supportive community.


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