Famous Rihanna’s Song NFTs sells out in minutes.- Fully Explained 2023

In this article, we are going to know about Rihanna’s Song NFTs. On Thursday the music producer and songwriter Deputy partnered with European web3.0 music startup Anotherblock to sell Rihanna’s popular song “Bitch better have my money” as an NFT.

According to the company, there were a total of 300 royalty links NFT for selling at the beginning of 5:00 p.m. GMT. Each royalty link NFT is $210 per piece. As the collection went live on Thursday 9th February, Anotherblock revealed that NFTs had sold out in a few minutes.

The music producer deputy reportedly sold 1% of his stake, with this purchase each NFT collector received a 0.0033% lifetime ownership in royalty for Rihanna’s Song NFTs “Bitch better have my money”.

As this NFT sold Anotherblock made $63000 immediately, the company also Twitter that the NFT holder will receive their first royalty payout on February 16.

Rihanna's Song NFTs

The song which better have my money has streamed over 673 million times on Spotify, according to Anotherblock the NFT collectors can expect to get a return of 6 to 7% in the first year.

There are many platforms like Royalton.xyzCatalog, and many more that are selling songs right as NFTs. NFT is becoming popular as its best use case is a royalty that collectors will get after owning. Many artists are working on their own NFTs collection like the chainsmokers and Diplo is the musician who tokenized their music.

What is the National Geographic NFT collection?- Click Here

Which was Rihanna’s Song that sold as NFT?

The 2015 hit song “Bitch better have my money” by singer Rihanna and producer Deputy was offered as a non-fungible token(NFT) and the collection was sold within minutes of its launch.

It was launched on the European web 3 music Anotherblock platform 

Which platform supports Rihanna’s Song NFTs?

European web 3 music Anotherblock platform supports Rihanna’s Song NFT “Bitch better have my money“.

List of celebrity NFT to watch in 2023.

The popularity of the NFT industry is increasing day by day. Many celebrities launch their NFT art with this new digital media. According to data by nonfungible.com, it is reported that since 2021 NFT has raised more than $15 billion. And this is not going to stop anytime soon.

Here is a list of celebrity NFTs to watch in 2023:

  • Snoop Dogg
  • Paris Hilton
  • Johnny Depp
  • Madonna
  • Mike Tyson
  • Steve Aoki 

And many more.


The 2015 hit song “Bitch better have my money” by singer Rihanna and producer deputy was offered as a non-fungible token. Deputy partnered with European web 3 music startup another block to sell which better have my money as an NFT.

As this NFT is listed on anotherblock, according to the report of anotherblock, NFTs had sold out within a few minutes of its launch.

There are a total of 300 royalty links NEFT and each for $210 per piece. I hope you understand Rihanna’s Song NFTs.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do NFT owners make money?

Yes, the NFT owner or creator makes money by creating and selling unique and rare art. This art may be images, music, videos, memes, etc.

Which is the best NFT marketplace?

The best NFT marketplaces are:

  • OpenSea
  • SuperRare
  • Rarible
  • Foundation NFT Marketplace
  • Larva lab
  • Axie marketplace

And many more.

What exactly is NFT?

NFT is a digital art that is created by artists and it is stored on the blockchain. Each NFT has its unique property and is rare in the market. The place where NFT is traded is called NFT Marketplace. The price of an NFT depends on its uniqueness and rarity and also on the artist or creator of that particular NFT.

Where can I get cheap NFT?

There are lots of NFT marketplaces across the globe where you can buy and sell your NFT. Here is a list of Marketplaces where you will get NFT at a cheap price.

  • Rarible
  • OpenSea
  • Binance
  • SuperRare
  • KnownOrigin

And many more.


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